Enjoyable, subtle fragrance, refined taste and beautifully lingering finish. A pure distinct character of
Daiginjou. Light and easy in the palate. Settled, soft taste, slightly dry, wholesome umami flavor. Very
balanced, clean lingering finish. Brewed by one of the best boutique breweries in Kochi prefecture, Sento Brewery. Won numerous Sake awards in Japan. The most recent is the 2017 Best Daiginjou Award for the National Sake Competition Daiginjou Division.
華やかで 、 果実味 の 広 がる 綺麗 な 味 わいのお 酒 です 。 品格 のある 香 り 、 洗練 された 味 わいときれいな 余韻 をご 堪能ください 。
Tosa Shiragiku Daiginjo
SKU: 9103360
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