Honryu can be said to be the pioneer of the Junmai Daiginjou of Tedorigawa Masanume. Slowly and painstakingly brewed in a low temperature using 100% Yamadanishiki rice polished to 45% and with the brewery's original yeast. It has a distinctive sweet honey aroma, dense in the midpalate. well rounded with good balance of acidity. Excellent to pair with light savory dishes like broiled radish and sweet potato in dashi stock, broiled toufu. amaebi sashimi, etc.
「本流」は手取川正宗の原点と言える純米大吟醸です。酒造好適米「山田錦100%」を45%まで精白し、低温小仕込みで、じっくりと仕込みまいた。金沢国税局で育種された酵母を当社で自社培養して仕込んだ「純米大吟醸•本流」は、料理の味を損なわない落ち着いた 蜂蜜のような香りが特徴です。ふくよかな香りと独特の甘みを伴ったコクは優しくみずみずしい
感覚の料理に最適 です。
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