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Carefully selected Shimanto's sake rice is refined up to the 55% polished rice ratio, finishing up with gorgeous and fruity taste. This product has a well-coordinated balance and harmony in aroma, taste, and acidity.
It tastes sharp and a bit dry. Best enjoyed while chilled.



Mutemuka Junmai Ginjou

SKU: 9100830
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  • 産地 : 高知 Prefecture :  Koichi
    アルコール度 : 16度 Alc :  16.0%
    酒度 : +3 SMV : +3 
    味わい : Semi-Dry Taste : Semi-Dry
    原料米 : 吟の夢 Rice :  Gin no Yume
    酸度 : 1.8 Acidity : 1.8
    精米歩合 : 55% Polishing :  55%
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