We have created a limited quantity of "Hiyaoroshi" from Miya's famous snowy mountain waste brewing, which won the gold medal at the world's best IWC (International Wine Challenge) 2023. Miya no Yuki ``Hiyaoroshi'' is a special junmai sake made from 100% Kamiho rice, a rice suitable for sake brewing from Mie Prefecture, which is pressed over the summer in the refrigerator and then released from the brewery with the arrival of autumn. Please enjoy the characteristic sourness and rich taste.
SMV:-1.5、Rice:“Kamiのho” rice suitable for sake brewing in Mie Prefecture、Polishing Ratio :60%
世界最高峰のIWC (インターナショナルワインチャレンジ 2023 にて金賞を受賞した自慢の宮の雪山廃仕込を限定数量にて「ひやおろし」に仕上げました。宮の雪「ひやおろし」は、三重県産酒造好適米「神の穂」を 100% 使用した特別純米酒を搾り、冷蔵庫の中で夏を越し、秋の訪れとともに蔵出しするお酒です。特徴ある酸味と口当たりの良い濃醇な味わいを是非お愉しみください。
1.5 、 Rice :三重県酒造好適米「神の穂」 、精米歩合: 60
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