You can enjoy a refreshing ginjo incense that smells softly.The characteristic of this sake is the absence of rough taste. You can enjoy a refreshing throat with a beautiful umami taste with a sense of transparency. The aftertaste, which is soft and crisp like cherry blossom blossoms, does not interfere with food.In the coming cherry blossom season, I would like to recommend it especially for the banquet seat of cherry blossom viewing, it is a refreshing sake.
SMV:-7 、Rice:Dewasansan、 Polishing Ratio:50%
この酒の特徴は、雑味の無さ。 透明感のあるキレイな旨味が特徴でスッキリとしたのどごしがお楽しみいただけます。桜のはなびらのようにふわりとキレる後味は食べ物の邪魔もしません。
酒度:-7 、原料米:出羽燦々、精米歩合:50%
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